Referring to Localization, the state of the nation:
We seem to be one of the playgrounds for finding out the needs and pitfalls for localizing a StackOverflow platform. Therefore the 7 Essential Meta Questions of Every Beta may be insufficient for our Beta (but still as important).
- Are there additional questions for such Betas the team may want to ask?
- Which steps should we as a community take to make this bilingual adventure successful, do we want to make ourself a Roadmap?
This should go far more than "What languages should titles be in?", those are precious questions but only tiny parts of our mosaic. E.g. nobody has ever asked a question on meta in german. Only our moderator has a question with a title in both languages, Only Tim N had a question written in German!
So to clarify:
The question is about the greater picture, your thoughts and of course our providers thoughts :)