From today's newest questions page 12 of 15 questions that is 80% had issues with at least one close vote or even closure.
translation of indirect speech in english
How would I ask for superking(extra large) cigarettes in german? 2 close votes
Wort wie »Begriffspaar«, aber für drei Begriffe 4 close votes
Adjektivendungen ohne Artikel
Can someone tell me a sentence that sounds really angry involving cake closed
Warum wird Konjunktiv 2 benutzt? 1 close vote
direct speech of indirect speech in 1st & 2nd person singular form reopened after edit
Can we write any objects before the subject? 3 close votes
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gestalten und bilden? closed
Is there an expression that translates to "building character" in German? 3 close votes
"Es waren … darunter" 3 close votes
Context meaning of »über« 3 close votes
Groß/Kleinschreibung von "Er/er" in Arbeitszeugnissen
Was sind Knochenscheiben? closed
Von Namen abgeleitete Adjektive: groß oder klein? closed
Only one of these question could be reopened after several edits.
Please do not discuss single instances listed here. They are just for illustration why this came up. It appears to be a more general and a rather long-standing issue we have. Did questions really become that poor recently? Are some of us overzealus in close voting?
What should be done?