From recent community activities we can see that we now have a good and active user base doing a lot of community moderation quite well. This is good for the site.
But recently some highly voted questions having a high traffic were closed for various reasons soon after somebody had entered them in the close review queue. I believe this is bad for the site. We depend on questions that attract people. Questions causing traffic are vital to our still not so well known site.
In addition some not so brilliant questions but questions with upvotes and with good answers got closed as off topic or unclear for less than obscure reasons. This may alienate newcomers to our site. What happens now is that a potential new user does not dare to ask, or ask again because they get the impression their questions are not welcome. Do we really want that?
To avoid a discussion on any specific questions I deliberately do not add examples here. It is a general issue we have here.
Please share your thoughts on how we could refine our close vote policy. What could be done to improve community moderation? Is there an issue at all, or is it only me being worried?