There are a lot of different ways to refer to the German Konjunktiv in English:
- subjunctive I and subjunctive II
- present subjunctive and past subjunctive
- Konjunktiv I and Konjunktiv II
- konjunktiv I and konjunktiv II
- conjunctive I and conjunctive II
- present conjunctive and past conjunctive
… as well as in German:
- Konjunktiv I and Konjunktiv II
- Konjunktiv Präsens and Konjunktiv Präteritum/Imperfekt
- Konjunktiv der Gegenwart and Konjunktiv der Vergangenheit
What is the best way to refer to these forms to avoid confusion (in particular for language learners) considering the following aspects:
What is used in the literature, in particular in learning material?
What is didactically good? E.g., is it confusing, when referring to the Konjunktiv II with the words past, Präteritum or Vergangenheit, though it does not describe the past?
How does it affect readability to use German words in English sentences?
Should German subjects in English sentences be capitalised?
Note that I do not necessarily want to establish a standard here (though I do not mind if I do), but am primarily interested in arguments for and against some terminologies.