When ever someone thinks that a question should be closed, he/she clicks on »close« and starts the close-voting-process for this question.
Then everybody who has enough privileges can enter the review-page and see this question in the close-queue. And when ever someone clicks on »close«, the close-counter is increased (when it was 2 before the user voted to close, then it is 3 afterwards). When this counter reaches 5 the voting is over and the question will be closed. This all is ok and fine.
But since I think, that lots of question sent to the close-queue should left open, I very often don't vote for »close«, but for »leave open«. And when I do so, I expect the close-counter to decrease. So when it was 2 before and I voted to leave it open, then it should be 1 afterwards.
But nothing happens. When ever I vote for »leave open« my vote is ignored. The close-counter stays where it was and also everything else stays unchanged. So my leave-open-vote is ignored.
I think that this is a bug that needs to be corrected. Because when there is a group of minimum 5 people, who from habit and without really thinking, every time vote for close when they see a question in the close-queue, then even 100 leave-open voters can't prevent them from closing every single question that someone sent to this queue. They always win, just because they are 5. And when you have a look on the users who voted to close questions, you will find a small group of names in almost every close-list.
So, please talk also into account leave-open-votes and decrease the close-counter when someone votes to leave a question open.