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Questions tagged [community-moderation]

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Questions of the type "Check for correctness": when is it too simple?

We recently(?) see quite a few questions of the type "Which is correct" or "Is this correct" which can often be answered by rather simple "X is correct" - and possibly an ...
planetmaker's user avatar
  • 11.9k
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Needs detail or clarity ([Etymologie] „Streuselschnecke“)

I have expanded the initial question by 1000% with detail and clarity and voted to reopen just now, which will soon expire! This is the second meta-thread about the [Streuselschnecke] (Streusel-...
vectory's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Warum werden Diskussionen in den Chat verschoben? / Why do Discussions get moved to Chat?

Gehören Diskussionen unter einer Frage (oder einer Antwort) zu dieser Frage Posting? Schließlich wurden sie auch dort geführt. Dennoch werden sie von Moderator*innen zum Teil in den Chat verschoben, ...
Jonathan Herrera's user avatar
  • 17.4k
6 votes
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"Persönliche Fehde" mit Nico

Da ich nicht weiß, wohin ich mich sonst wenden soll, schreibe ich das mal hierhin. Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle offiziel über den Nutzer Nico beschweren. Nicht nur ist der Tonfall in vielen ...
infinitezero's user avatar
  • 18.6k
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Moderatorenwahl / moderator elections?

Bezugnehmend auf diese Ankündigung habe ich mich gefragt, ob bereits ein Zeitplan für die Moderatorenwahl existiert und was dies bspw. für die aktuellen Moderatoren auf Zeit bedeutet? In regards to ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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12 votes
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Was machen wir mit einem Benutzer, der uns mit schlechten Fragen bombardiert?

Zurzeit bombardiert ein Nutzer German Language SE mit einer schlecht gestellten und nahezu nicht recherchierten Frage nach der anderen. Beinahe jeder seiner Fragen wird erst mal von irgendjemandem ...
Tode's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Are questions really that poor and what do we do about it?

From today's newest questions page 12 of 15 questions that is 80% had issues with at least one close vote or even closure. translation of indirect speech in english How would I ask for superking(...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
8 votes
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Community moderators: Review bans will be issued earlier

Sadly our attempts to better coordinate community reviews did not lead to the desired effect to make our close reasons more consistent. Still robo-reviews lead to close reasons that have nothing to do ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
6 votes
2 answers

Why should somebody consult an online translation service before asking here?

Community recently downvoted and closed this question as off topic: How do you say "He was looking for you" in German? The given canned close reason "requests for proofreading, spell ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
11 votes
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Community moderation: Robo-reviews don't help anybody

We introduced canned custom off topic close reasons for common reasons to ease community moderation. These are not meant to replace individual close reasons, and they should not be the only reasons ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
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What does an opinion based big list question need to be accepted? [closed]

This question arose from the following question on main: What are the preeminent German newspapers? It appears to be an interesting question that will definitely help learners to practise their ...
Takkat's user avatar
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What is a phrase-request and when do we accept it as on topic?

We have quite a clear opinion on when to allow a translation request: How do I ask good, on-topic questions for translations or about differences? There is consent that we do not allow peer reviews ...
Takkat's user avatar
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What should the topic-boundaries of chat be?

I'm considering myself a chat regular and as such, I've witnessed a small but growing trend of on-topic (wrt the main site) questions of varying quality being asked in chat rather than on the main ...
hiergiltdiestfu's user avatar
7 votes
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Please do not upvote spam

Sometimes spam can not easily be spotted. At present the only spam we are getting here regularly are advertisements for a paid online teaching service (which I will not name here to not give the ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
9 votes
4 answers

Should we try to “repair” non-answers that were intended as comments?

The following incident happened in connection with this question: A long-time user wrote a thorough answer, which got upvoted and accepted. However, there was a small error in two of the German ...
chirlu's user avatar
  • 19.8k
7 votes
7 answers

Are we closing too many questions?

Recently we have quite an increase in questions coming in. I believe this is a good thing, as only many questions will produce good answers and this will lead to good content on the site. With the ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
5 votes
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Please don't edit offensive or rude posts without flagging

Whenever we see a rude or offensive post we should flag it to allow appropriate moderation. Offensive posts can be deleted by community moderation if they gather enough offensive flags. In case ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
3 votes
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Do we need community promotion ads?

Other meta sites have this feature and it seems quite popular. Some example: physics, math, unix, security. I think, it would be a wonderful way to promote other german SE sites, for example...
peterh's user avatar
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Community moderation: When would be the right time to delete a poor question or answer?

Recently people put great effort in deleting content they feel it should not stay. This already led to discussions here to better find criteria when a post should be deleted or not: Community ...
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k
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3 answers

Community moderation: What are our guidelines to delete posts?

Recently we had a user putting great effort in generating a question & answer summarizing adjectives used to describe a person's character:
Takkat's user avatar
  • 70.6k