It is my impression that across the Stack Exchange ecosystem, moderators are exercising greater restraint in closing questions. Remember, moderators cannot "vote to close", once they click on "close" the question immediately changes to "on hold" status. This becomes "closed" a week later automatically if nothing happens, but new answers are prevented from being posted immediately.
To us veterans, having one of our comments deleted or a question closed is old hat. But to newbies, it can feel wrenching. We've just had a new GLU member close out their account after half a dozen questions. While they did not explain their decision, it's possible that having their question closed by a moderator after only one user had voted to close was the cause.
What's the rush? Except in cases of urgency (spam, offensive, utter nonsense) let the community handle it. If the question is not acceptable as is, comment with helpful advice and wait for five ordinary users to VTC (vote to close).